W.omen C.rush W.ednesdays are to talk about us, women.
I'm going to make it a thing now..  review, maybe discuss ? Some awesome products that I really like  and learn more along my journey.

This week i'm going to review a body scrub and two of my favorite make up/skin products from La Roche Posay.

Let me just start by saying that I have very strange skin.
It's oily on some areas and dry on others, which it makes it impossible for me to find a make-up foundation that does a good job with coverage and does not damage my skin.

Until I discovered La Roche Posay...
I use their BB Blur Cream as a foundation on my day-to-day activities.. It's great because it's a smooth paste, instead of a liquid texture. The big deal is that it actually adsorbs the oil on your skin. You can feel the difference. It's light, and my skin regulates its tone. It contains SPF in it too! 

Picmentclar is for the bags under your eyes, for those nights you can't seem to get enough sleep. 
It brightens your skin, and moisturizes! 

They have both reacted really well with my skin, and I have VERY sensitive skin. If I put creams that are not balanced with their chemicals, my skin turns red, or I'll end up breaking out. These two definitely are on my daily routine. 

They help my skin brighten, and look SOOOOOOO gorgeous! I'm thinking of purchasing their skin care products to get rid of some acne issues I run into. 


Next one on the list is .... Charcoal Scrub!
I found this at Homegoods, on a random day, that I was looking for something else and fate stepped in... TUM TUM TUUMMMMM! At least I feel like it was fate, but then again, I exaggerate everything. 😆😆  

My skin reacts so well with charcoal. I use this scrub maybe once a week, it's pretty thick and grainy, so it does the job easy peasy. I wouldn't recommend scrubbing too too many times in a week because it's pretty strong on the skin.  

I adore mixing my scrubs, doing maybe 2 different ones in an a week. 
This one is definitely my favorite at the moment, it smells AHH-mazing, the bamboo really comes through,  and it always lingers after my shower. I love steaming my showers with fresh herbs to clear my lungs. 

The aftermath is always smooth as a baby's butt. It feels nice, all around.... hmmmm so nice :)
Never forget to take care of your neck, it's the first area that starts aging. It's important to scrub it too!

I don't know where to find this scrub currently, I believe Amazon has it, I'm sure Homegoods, Target, or Khol's have it in their stock.

I might try to make my own version of this, and post it as a DIY!
I'm thinking of doing a DIY Bath Salts with essential oils that help you clear your lungs aswell. 
What do you guys think? 


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